Friday, February 22, 2008

am i loved?

Sometimes it is hard to be generous with love when we are not loved. 

  Walter Brueggemann describes the conflict between what he calls the powerful pull of scarcity against the good news of Gods abundance. beginning with Genesis one Brueggemann shows that the God of the Bible is the the God of abundance, he tracks through the creation story sighting the plenty of creation in which God observes "it is good" there are trees and plants and fruit... and "it is good" there are birds in the sky and fish in the sea and animals of all kinds... and "it is very good" then there is man and woman and they are told to be fruitful and multiply... And God is the God of abundance.  yet somewhere in the story the belief in scarcity emerges. pharaoh to in Egypt looks around and sees that there might not be enough "good stuff" to go around in need to get Control of all i can, - scarcity, so much so that he enslaves the people and gains control of all the lad he can. the Israelites then find themselves being led into the desert, the desert which is the picture of scarcity, yet they find Gods abundance. every morning they wake up and they find all the need, yet they cant control nor predict, yet those that needed much had all they needed and those that needed little had plenty. here we find the Sabbath as a picture and recognition that God has provided all we need, we need not gather every day. working every day is living in scarcity cause i need to get all i can cause there may not be enough good stuff. the Israelites as Brueggemann points out are in constant conflict between the myth of scarcity and the reality of Gods abundance, they hoard the manna, because they do not know if there will be enough tomorrow, there is plenty every day yet they cant Control it so the do what they can to control it and forget about Gods abundance and revert to scarcity.  Pharaoh controlled one of the most prosperous and fertile areas in the world yet... 
it is never really about the reality of the material/economy at hand, as much as it is about ones belief about it. 

what was i talking about again... 
Jesus something something something i know for the something something me so... 

Any way Walter Brueggemann is super smart dude and you should read some of his other stuff as well  


Cole said...

Gosh that is a really long blog post!

Cole said...

Brueggemann's totally unofficial website is

b.hurst said...

cole, you were on to something here. i would have liked to read more of this thought carried out. welcome to the blog world.