This is a time of year when change is felt. The seasonal change is matched by the change of music and decorations leading into the holidays. People have to plan, prepare and get ready for the holidays; change is in the air...
Living in California we do not experience much change as far as the weather goes, most of the year you could wear shorts if you wanted, as well you could wear jeans all year if you so desired, you may want a jacket on some nights in the winter but mostly it is preference. Living in a moderate climate as I do the weather is rarely if ever a sole determinate in how I spend my time; I may opt to let the weather inform my decisions but it is more often related to a feeling than of actual confrontation with the elements.
Change is a natural part life; however most people seem to resist change. I think this is especially true for people that live in mild climates, and even more so for people that live in wealthy areas with mild climates such as Orange County. With a mild climate and money one can pretty well insulate themselves from change and create an illusion of control over the change that is experienced.
It saddens me when I see Christians being the people that are most resistant to change. As a group of people who knows the creator of the world we should know that change is natural; And even more we should be a people that long for change because we see a world that we know is as it should not be. Christians should move towards the change that God is doing in all placeless; We are a people that are defined by what God has done, is doing and are the constant anticipation of the change that Christ is going to bring. In a way to resist change is to deny Gods work, even when change is confusing Christians should have a great peace because of their knowledge of and relationship with the one that created it all.
"To know God is to change
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