Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Other.

{This is an old post that I had saved as a 'draft', I did not know that was
 possible, any way here it is.} 

 Communication theory has said that we develop a concept of our self by engaging with other people. We express ideas through symbols (words, body language) these symbols are interpreted by another person then returned to us, we interpret and then re-express... Though this is a overly simple and dumbed down explanation, the idea is that we develop our sense of self through interaction with the other. If this is true we need other people in order be ourselves. 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Goal

I have gone surfing twice in the last seven days and it turns out that I am not as talented as I would have liked to think. Both days I was accompanied by guys that were much more talented, as  a result I found that I picked up 3 or 4 things that I could be doing differently each time, either by observing, messing up or the loving taunt of my fiend. the learning curve is steep and I am grateful for the practice in humility. 
It is now a new goal of mine that I should always be involved  in something that I am not very good at, so that I never forget to be a learner. Of course this is very easy for me at my present stage in life, but I like to think that one day I will be at least a partial  expert in something. Even when that happens I will continue to find things to do wich I am not even equal to those around me, so that I remain in a position of humility and learning. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Free will

in answer to the question, how does the story of God hardening pharos heart effect our view of free will? 
 have heard it said that Pharo already chose to be against God, so the act of God harding his heart was not changing is will but letting him continue to act against God as previously chosen. 
that being one answer 
i think to more properly answer the question one would have to engage in the question of what are we actually talking about when we say, free will. in no way will i ever try to tackle that question, but it seems to be that there may be something to saying that God violated pharos "free Will" and made it impossible to choose anything but to be against God and the Israelites because his heart was hardened. with that in consideration,
The Bible does not tell us of another time that God has intervened in this way, or that it is something God does. But if God did what would it change for us ? I don't think it should change anything, except maybe increase our realization that God is God and we are not. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

i don't blog enough

i am now in two new classes this quarter, and they should be very stimulating.
that or they will kill my spirit and crush my ego because they will cause me to discover that a really am not the brilliant intellectual i imagine my self to be. 

 I have two nagging thoughts chewing on my brain cells at the moment.
one is having to do with understanding the bible through a narrative approach.
and two is the Question. What is politics? 
oddly enough the two classes that i am currently taking are titled, narrative approach to theology and political theology 

so i will now force my self to stop for the sake of lengthiness. but i hope to post more on these soon.