Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Goal

I have gone surfing twice in the last seven days and it turns out that I am not as talented as I would have liked to think. Both days I was accompanied by guys that were much more talented, as  a result I found that I picked up 3 or 4 things that I could be doing differently each time, either by observing, messing up or the loving taunt of my fiend. the learning curve is steep and I am grateful for the practice in humility. 
It is now a new goal of mine that I should always be involved  in something that I am not very good at, so that I never forget to be a learner. Of course this is very easy for me at my present stage in life, but I like to think that one day I will be at least a partial  expert in something. Even when that happens I will continue to find things to do wich I am not even equal to those around me, so that I remain in a position of humility and learning. 

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Wow Cole...very insightful! I like your blog...this is my first time seeing it.